Fantastic Cambodia adventure itinerary | 14 days 13 nights
Price from: 999 USD
Phnom Penh - Kampong Chhnang - Battambang - Siem Reap - Angkor Wat - Kbal Spean - Kratie - Mondulkiri
Duration: 14 days 13 nights
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The majestic temples of Angkor, the bustling riverfront promenade at Sisowath Quay, the tragedy of the Killing Fields and Tuol Sleng and a glimpse of the endangered Irrawaddy Dolphin – all evokes a certain mystical feeling about Cambodia. The rich history and legacy of the Khmer people will tear at your heartstring whilst the friendly people will leave you enchanted throughout Cambodia itinerary 14 days 13 nights of Galatourist.